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“Verde, Agua y Luna”
By María Estévez-Serrano after F.García Lorca plays and poems.
“Estévez-Serrano and Gayol’s performance in the original Spanish lends the piece an intensity which illustrates the desperation and doom of the characters, Lorca and ultimately Spain. Highly recommended.”
“...in a poignant performance from Maria Estévez-Serrano, do we appreciate the nuances of her thirst for life through Lorca’s portrayal of women stifled by their constrained lives.”
The Bathhouse
by Mayakovsky
“The actors, mostly English, play the whole thing adroitly (...) Maria Estevez-Serrano’s Underton, Pobedonosikov’s long-suffering secretary, offers a welcome touch of hysteria”
“A courageous, atmospheric, touchingly vulnerable and thoughtfully staged interpretation of Lorca’s Yerma...Maria Estevez-Serrano particularly shone, in this (laundress) and other supporting roles”
By Federico G. Lorca